Partap IPDA International Conference-2017
Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, in collaboration with International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. is organised a three day International Conference on the theme “Development of professional leadership among teachers “ from 27.10.2017 to 29.10.2017.
The conference began with Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal Partap College of Education, Ludhiana welcoming the guests from abroad and various places in India. Dilating upon the purpose and objectives of the conference, Dr. Balwant Singh, emphasised on the deep connection between professional leadership and powerful learning experiences. He said that mentoring, particularly in the case of prospective teachers, plays a vital role in professional development of the teachers. Dr. Juanjo Mena from the University of Salamanca, Spain organised a workshop on the Teachers’ Digital Competence and use of ICT in Classrooms. Dr. Coleen Jackson, Chair IPDA, UK organised the second workshop on the ‘Development of Leadership skills among the teachers’. She threw light on how the conference will play an enlightening role on the vision and responsibilities of teachers as leaders. She also laid stress on the role of administrators in helping the teachers develop their professional competence. She also talked about the role of the conference to make an international comparison of countries in developing leadership skills among teachers.
65 research papers from abroad and within the country have been received which were presented on the Paper Presentation sessions on 28th and 29th October,2017. Key note addresses on various sub themes--Professional leadership-issues and challenges, Development of leadership skills among the prospective teachers and Role of mentorship and coaching in professional development of teachers were also presented by Dr. Coleen Jackson, Dr. Juanjo Mena and Dr. S.K. Yadav. A book on the conference papers “Professionalism in Education” has also been published and released on 28th,October, 2017 by Prof. Parvinder Singh, Dean College Development Council, Panjab University Chandigarh. Another book written by Dr Manpreet Kaur ‘Predictors of Well Being among the Adolescents’ was also released in this conference. Prof Parvinder Singh, Dean Punjab University Chandigarh presided over the inaugural keynote address He shared with the audience that Partap College of Education is the brand ambassador of Panjab University and applauded it for having collaborated with the IPDA, UK. Various Sub themes of the conference have also been presented by sound academic messages through paper sessions and posters and an exhibition of these posters has also been organised for three days of conference. A reflection on conference was presented by Dr Coleen Jackson in the closing ceremony of the conference. Dr Jackson appreciated and endorsed the efforts of IPDA India for professional development of teachers.