Partap IPDA International Conference on the theme “Professionalism for Education Beyond the Crisis” was organised by Partap College of Education, Ludhiana in collaboration with Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia under the patronage of International Professional Development Association, UK on 8th April, 2022. Prof. B.K. Punia, former Vice Chancellor, M.D. University, Rohtak was the chief guest of the conference. Prof. Vandana Punia, Dean, Faculty of Education, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Dr Ramesh Sandhu, Vice Cahir of IPDA, India from C. R. College of Education, Hisar, Dr Rakesh Sandhu, Principal, Dr G.D. DAV College of Education for Women, Karnal, Dr Chaman Lal Banga and Dr Rajesh Kumar Sharma from H.P. University, Shimla, and Prof. Ramesh Inder Kaur Bal, Director, Partap Public School graced the occasion with their presence. After long effects of COVID -19 pandemic, the conference was organised in blended mode (offline and online). All the international scholars participated online because of the restrictions in travelling and over 200 university professors, teachers and research scholars from India, Spain and Russia participated in the conferences.
Ms. Balwinder Kaur, Assist. Prof. in the opening dialogue introduced IPDA, UK and MoU signed between Partap College of Education and Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, KFU, Russia. Dr Manpreet Kaur, Principal, Partap College of Education welcomed the delegates, guests, students and all the attendees to the conference and emphasised on the need for education to emerge as a powerful force to face crises such as COVID.
Prof Balwant Singh, Chair, IPDA India acquainted the audience with the theme and subthemes of the conference and stressed on the role of teachers in bringing long lasting change. While depicting the theme of the conference, he pointed out that teachers being the path makers need to recognize their professional responsibility, develop professional ethics through self-determination and self-propelling efforts for academic excellence and to meet the crises.
Prof. Elzara Gafiyatova, Vice Chair, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University, Russia presented welcome address and expressed her felicity for collaboration with Partap College and mentioned that such joint ventures are very useful for both the institutions. She also appreciated the efforts of jointly organising such international events on contemporary sensitive issues and strengthening the professional relationships with international organizations.
Prof. B.K. Punia, former Vice Chancellor, M.D. University, Rohtak presented the first keynote address and talked about teacher professionalism. He expressed that professional ethics ensure better teaching as well as learning environments and improve the quality of learning, so teachers should emerge as highly competent, culturally balanced, secular and research-oriented individuals. His keynote speech was followed by the presidential remarks of Prof. Balwant Singh.
Poster Exhibition has always been the centre of attraction of Partap IPDA International Conference in which research work is presented in attractive and colourful manner. All the delegates enjoyed the poster exhibition being held oriented on the sub-themes of the conference. After poster presentation, eminent scholars from various country presented their research reports on various sub-themes- in parallel technical sessions organised in separate groups respectively both in offline and online mode.
International scholars from Russia, Spain and some of the participants from various states of India presented their research reports online. From Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, Prof. Tatiana S. Pimenova coordinated and Prof. Iskander E. Yarmakeev, Vice Director, presided over the online technical session. Prof. Svetlana V. Karkina, propounded research report on “Emergency Remote Teaching Based on Signature Pedagogy: Digitalization in Music Teacher Professional Training”, in her presentation she put forward a design of a small private online course based on signature pedagogy. Prof. Iskander E. Yarmakeev, Prof. Tatiana S. Pimenova, Prof. Albina R. Abdrafikova, presented paper entitled “Social Networks Inbuilt in Training Pre-service EFL Teachers; Perspectives and Concerns”, and assessed the impact of social platform for education purpose. Research scholars, K.V. Klyuchnikova and F.A. Khabibullina, from KFU also presented informative and thought-provoking research reports. All the presentations were interesting and triggered discussion on a wide range of issues related to the theme of the Conference. Prof. Tatiana compiled the findings of various Research presentations and appreciated the delegates for their excellent work. Prof. Iskander E. Yarmakeev concluded the session by his presidential remarks.
Second distinguished keynote speaker Prof. Juanjo Mena, Head of Education Department, University of Salamanca, Spain in his presentation discussed the “Innovative trends in Teacher Education”. He enunciated that gamification has the heyday due to the rise of new technologies and games which are driven by educational goals, not entertainment have been “re-emerged” as innovative teaching-learning strategies that are effective in improving learning outcomes. His speech was followed by presidential remarks by Dr Manpreet Kaur.
Following the key note addresses, to answer the queries of attendees and for interaction, Open House Discussion was held. Prof. B.K. Punia, Dr. Ramesh Sandhu and Prof. Vandana Punia were the chairperson, co-chair and coordinator respectively, whereas Prof. Balwant Singh, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr Rakesh Sandhu, Dr Rajesh Kumar were the panellists for the open house discussion. This healthy interactive session was all the more important and interesting as scholars participating offline or online got opportunity to interact, express and panellists reciprocated the queries of participants.
Prof. Iskander E. Yarmakeev, Vice Director, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication presented concluding remarks on the conference. He congratulated that all the topics of the conference covered important scientific problems and participation of academicians from different disciplines makes learning more enriching. He also congratulated the organizers of the international conference and expressed hope for many forthcoming new projects under the collaboration of these two institutes of India and Russia.
To make the conference ambience more cheerful and to promote intercultural communication, students from state of Haryana (India) presented cultural performances. Reflections and resolutions on the conference were presented by Prof. Balwant Singh in the closing ceremony of the conference and asserted that teachers are the main contrivance who can combat any kind of crises with professional expertise, ethics and competence. To honour and acknowledge the presence, mementos were presented to all the guests and prominent speakers. At the end, Ms. Balwinder Kaur thanked all the guests, speakers and participants for their valuable inputs to the conference.
Partap IPDA International Conference 2020 was organised by IPDA India and Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, in collaboration with Kazan Federal University under the patronage of International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. on the theme “Cross-border and Multicultural perspectives in Professional Development” on 22-23 February 2020. More than 150 Academician and professionals from six countries and various states of India participated.
In the inaugural session, the chief guest S. Jagpal Singh Khangura a formal councillor from Hounslow, England shared his cross-border experiences. He appreciated the efforts of the management of the institution and said that such events should take place more often in our country for the betterment of future teachers. Eminent speakers from different corners of the world were Dr. Fiona King, School of Inclusive and Special Education, Dublin, U.K., Prof. Juanjo Mena from University of Salamanca, Spain, Prof. Ken Jones, Chair of the Editorial Board, Journal Professional Development in Education, IPDA U.K., Prof. Laura Sara Agrati, University of Bari, Italy, Prof. Kirandeep Kaur, Punjabi University, Patiala, Ms. Victoria, Research Associate, Kazan Faderal University, Russia, Dr. C.L..Banga, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, C.R. College of Education, Hisar, Dr. Tatiana Pimenova Sergeevna and Dr. Svetlana V. Karkina from Kazan University, Russia.
Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Principal, Partap College of Education and Secretary, IPDA India, introduced and welcomed the guests. Dr. Balwant Singh, Chair of the conference and IPDA, India and Director, Partap College of education said that there are diverse opportunities as well as challenges involved in crossing borders at various levels. He said that we must develop capacities and competencies among the prospective teachers to learn, compete, surpass and become leaders who take along others towards the path of perfection.
The Third volume of the edited book “Professionalism in Education” with selected papers of the conference was released during the event. It has total of 48 chapters. Four technical sessions oriented on the sub-themes of the conference were conducted in which 89 papers were presented. An impressive and descriptive exhibition of 80 posters prepared by various researchers on various themes was also organised. Senior academician patronized various technical sessions as Chair persons. Best Papers and Posters presented in the conference were awarded for presenting ideas in a coherent and reflective way.
Prof. Ken Jones stressed on teachers’ optimistic professional learning approach and the need to create space for new learning, developing and identifying new areas of living in today’s context and encouraging interdisciplinary learning. Prof. Jones also focused on leadership styles to encourage critical thinking and risk taking to pave way for new ideas. He also highlighted the need for multidisciplinary interactions to cross borders and to access the opportunities for engaging in cross border activities. He interestingly illustrated the role of IPDA India and partap to follow as flagship. Keynote speaker Dr. Fiona King from Dublin City University, discussed that International perspectives in professional development of teachers is not defined only by activities, courses or experiences but is as an outcome of these courses, activities and reflections on day to day experiences in the classroom. She also highlighted the role of leader as a support for developing a teacher’s autonomy and facilitating collaboration for professional learning.
Prof. Juanjo Mena discussed about MPI (Mentoring Profile Inventory), a tool that has potential to serve the exchange of beliefs and thoughts of the professions across different cultural contexts. He also emphasized that the theory or reflection must be supported with action. Prof. Kirandeep Kaur, another keynote speaker discussed about the Indian scenario of professional development. She said that the purpose of education is to Transform- Reform- Perform. Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, Vice Chairperson, IPDA India, said that empowering teachers is the key to facilitate professional development. A teacher’s role as a facilitator has increased many fold.
An interesting and impressive Punjabi folk Cultural and musical celebrations were held and added colours to this evening and left unforgettable memories. The beats of Punjabi drum tuned everyone to dance in the typical folk rhythm.
Second day of Partap IPDA International Conference began with the presentation of Ms. Svetlana V. Karkina on Multicultural Approach in Professional Development of future Music Teachers through Russian and Indian Traditions. Keynote speaker Prof. Laura Sara Agrati emphasized on the Prism of the learning environment and digital skills of innovative teacher. She also discussed about the online training plans on the basis of general profiles and needs of individual teachers, implementing professional and personal development of teachers. Ms. Victoria, Research associate, Kazan Federal University spoke on “Teacher Education at Kazan Federal University” where she stressed upon teaching is the transmission of knowledge, teachers are the dispensers of the knowledge and the students retransmit the knowledge back to the teachers. Another distinguished Key Note speaker Ms. Pimenova Tatiana, reflected upon the Pedagogical theories of learning as the new needs of the country demand new key competences and knowledge of a classroom teacher.
Dr. Fiona King represented the IPDA U.K. in this event. She presented the reflections on this conference. She said that the lay out and structure of this International Conference was highly interactive, inclusive and participatory. She thanked IPDA India Chair Dr. Balwant Singh for his efforts to inviting her as representative of IPDA U.K. International committee. She said that I am most happy to take the feedback of this conference especially enthusiasm, professionalism and the excitement of the teachers, professors, principals and all delegates in this conference. She also finds poster exhibition wonderful and said that it was very difficult for her to make decision about the best posters. She said that it’s my pleasure to take extremely positive feedback of this conference to IPDA International Committee. She appreciated and acknowledged the activities of IPDA, India and congratulated Chair and Secretary for organizing the sixth International Conference of IPDA at Partap College of Education. She also applauded the efforts of Prof. Radif Zamaletdinov for introducing KFU to IPDA by collaborating in this conference.
Principal Dr. Manpreet Kaur appreciated the contribution of all the resource persons, speakers and delegates from different parts of the country and the world for participating in the conference. She also acknowledged Col. Amarjit Singh, Mr. Chaman Lal Banga, Dr. Ramesh Sandhu Mr. Jaspal Singh and Mr. Garg for establishing school forums of IPDA in different states of India. Dr. Balwant Singh, Chair IPDA India reflected upon the contributions by the dignitaries and other scholars who actively participated in the Conference. Dr. Manpreet Kaur extended the vote of thanks and concluded the two days international conference.
Partap IPDA International Conference 2019 was organised by Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, in collaboration with International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. The International Conference organised on the theme “Co-constructing professional knowledge: Learning across disciplines” from 22/02/2019 to 23/02/2019 witnessed participation of academicians and professionals of various disciplines from different parts of the country and across the globe.
Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Vice Principal, Partap College of Education, and Secretary, IPDA India Ludhiana formally welcomed the guests and said that participation in such events should be done in the spirit of learning and to prepare ourselves for global challenges. Dr Balwant Singh Principal, Partap College of Education, and Chair, IPDA India in his inaugural address said that the conference was organised with the objective of facilitating professional growth of trachers and providing a platform to the professional communities to expand and share their knowledge in a multicultural and interdisciplinary context. The Inaugural session of the Conference was chaired by Professor Sikander Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Prof. Sikander emphasised the need of ushering a multidisciplinary approach in education. Guest of Honour for the inaugural programme Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Dean, College Development Council, Panjab University, Chandigarh appreciated the efforts of the organising institution and said that the theme of the conference chosen by the organisers was the need of the hour.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Coleen Jackson, Director, International Leadership Associates and co-chair IPDA, England emphasised the need of adopting a collaborative and partnership working approach to Continuing Personal Professional Learning(CPPL). She said that activities of CPPL should include development of skills that are needed in a particular profession. She also said that such conferences and exchange programmes are must to facilitate exposure to global trends and to widen interdisciplinary horizons.
Dr Balwant Singh, Principal Partap College of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for ten years with Dr. Svetlana, Associate Professor from Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation for an Exchange Programme between the two institutions for mutual exchange and collaboration of faculty, students and research projects, organization of academic programs/courses, seminars, conferences.
Professor Juanjo Mena, Department of Education, University of Salamanca, Spain in his keynote address discussed the importance of multi-disciplinary approach to the practicum. He emphasised the role of supervision in the areas of medicine, engineering, and education and highlighted the role of innovative educational technology and mentoring in practicum of all professions.
During a panel discussion on “Signature pedagogies across professions” leaders of various disciplines shared their views on teaching learning scenarios in their respective fields. Dr. Tilak Raj Bharadwaj, Associate Professor, SCERT, Solan &Dr. Vijay Obed, Professor and Head, Department of Plastic Cosmetic Surgery, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Dairy Microbiology, College of Dairy Science and Technology, GADVASU, Ludhiana emphasised the need of introducing training for all professions like medicine, nursing, law, engineering, management, humanities and sciences.
Delegates from different parts of the country and the world presented papers and posters on various sub-themes- Professional development in different disciplines, signature pedagogies across professions, and mentoring technological and leadership skills for a teacher. A compendium on the papers on themes of the conference was also released during the event. Various Sub-themes of the conference were also presented through an exhibition of posters.
An International cultural event was organised. Delegates from different states of India and abroad presented their folk dances and songs.
Second day of Partap IPDA International Conference began with the key note address of Dr. Lara Sara Agrati,,University of Guistino, Italy. She emphasised that teaching and learning situations present many varied challenges and highlighted the need for use of digital resources and innovative pedagogies for co constructing & developing new paths to learning.
The conference was an amalgamation of ideas across disciplines and discussions on various topics related to Professional development of teachers.
Dr. Coleen Jackson presented concluding remarks on the conference. She said that the participation of academicians from different disciplines makes learning more enriching as interdisciplinary discussions widen our domain of knowledge and widens our mental horizons. She congratulated the organisers of the conference for providing a platform to academicians and professionals of different disciplines, cultures and countries to interact and co-construct their knowledge.
Principal Dr. Balwant Singh appreciated the contribution of all the resource persons, speakers and delegates from different parts of the country and the world for participating in the conference. He acknowledged the efforts of Dr. Coleen, Co- Chair IPDA for extending support to IPDA, India for organising the conference. He also gave special mention of the efforts of Dr. Svetlana for facilitating the signing of MOU between Partap college of Education and Kazan Federal university, Russian Federation. He said that the MOU will act as a bridge for academic, professional and research exchange. Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Vice Principal thanked all the guests, speakers and participants for their valuable inputs to the conference.
Best Papers & Posters presented in the two-day conference were awarded for presenting ideas in a coherent and reflective way.
Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, in collaboration with International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. is organised a three day International Conference on the theme “Development of professional leadership among teachers “ from 27.10.2017 to 29.10.2017.
The conference began with Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal Partap College of Education, Ludhiana welcoming the guests from abroad and various places in India. Dilating upon the purpose and objectives of the conference, Dr. Balwant Singh, emphasised on the deep connection between professional leadership and powerful learning experiences. He said that mentoring, particularly in the case of prospective teachers, plays a vital role in professional development of the teachers. Dr. Juanjo Mena from the University of Salamanca, Spain organised a workshop on the Teachers’ Digital Competence and use of ICT in Classrooms. Dr. Coleen Jackson, Chair IPDA, UK organised the second workshop on the ‘Development of Leadership skills among the teachers’. She threw light on how the conference will play an enlightening role on the vision and responsibilities of teachers as leaders. She also laid stress on the role of administrators in helping the teachers develop their professional competence. She also talked about the role of the conference to make an international comparison of countries in developing leadership skills among teachers.
65 research papers from abroad and within the country have been received which were presented on the Paper Presentation sessions on 28th and 29th October,2017. Key note addresses on various sub themes--Professional leadership-issues and challenges, Development of leadership skills among the prospective teachers and Role of mentorship and coaching in professional development of teachers were also presented by Dr. Coleen Jackson, Dr. Juanjo Mena and Dr. S.K. Yadav. A book on the conference papers “Professionalism in Education” has also been published and released on 28th,October, 2017 by Prof. Parvinder Singh, Dean College Development Council, Panjab University Chandigarh. Another book written by Dr Manpreet Kaur ‘Predictors of Well Being among the Adolescents’ was also released in this conference. Prof Parvinder Singh, Dean Punjab University Chandigarh presided over the inaugural keynote address He shared with the audience that Partap College of Education is the brand ambassador of Panjab University and applauded it for having collaborated with the IPDA, UK. Various Sub themes of the conference have also been presented by sound academic messages through paper sessions and posters and an exhibition of these posters has also been organised for three days of conference. A reflection on conference was presented by Dr Coleen Jackson in the closing ceremony of the conference. Dr Jackson appreciated and endorsed the efforts of IPDA India for professional development of teachers.
National Seminar on ‘School as a Miniature Society’
Organized by
Vivekanand Vidya Niketan School, Sadhupul, Solan, H.P.
In Collaboration with
International Professional Development Association, India
Partap College of Education, Ludhiana
29 April, 2017
Quarterly Meeting
Keeping in view the decision taken at the quarterly meeting of IPDA India held at Partap College of Education on 26 March, 2017, the next quarterly meeting was held amidst the woods and greens of enamouring valley of Chail in the state of Himachal Pradesh (India). The meeting was held on 28 April, 2017 followed by the national seminar on 29 April, 2017.
According to educationist, John Dewey, the school is the society itself. Each classroom is a community in which the members must comply with the norms of the society. The students in a school represent a wide cross-section of the society at large, cutting across barriers of economy, class, religion, colour or creed. In the school, socialization takes place for the first time. That is, the child starts learning to live with others, share their sorrows and happiness; take the qualities of cooperation, tolerance, love, friendship and sympathy which is very necessary in a society; so the school represents a mini society. And this is how the theme of the seminar, ‘School as a Miniature Society’, was chosen after a focussed deliberation.
The Seminar
The lush-green, never ending forests, the mesmerising milieu of high mountains, the rain-washed valleys of Kandaghat and Sadhupul in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) provided a perfect backdrop to an impeccably satisfying experience of being amongst scholars from various places around for a national seminar on the topic ‘School as a miniature society’ organized by IPDA (India) under the able guidance of Dr. Balwant Singh, Chairperson, IPDA India and Principal, Partap College of Education, Ludhiana. Dr.Chaman Lal Banga, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, ICDEOL, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and Co Vice Chair, IPDA, India was the convenor of the seminar and Sh. Ravi Mehta, Chairman, Vivek Society, Sadhupul, Solan was the organizer. The venue of this august gathering was VivekanandVidyaNiketan School. The school is located in the Himalayas, near the Sadhupul river between Solan and Chail in the state of Himachal Pradesh in Northern India.
Inaugural Session
The day began with cheerful faces greeting the delegates – students of the school with much enthusiasm guided the visitors down the valley towards the venue of the seminar. The function formally began with the lamp-lighting by Swami Shiva Sevananda, President, Dev Bhoomi Trust, Sadhupul. While addressing the audience he made a reference to the earlier Gurukul system and how the world of education and teaching has changed now. But the matter of the fact is that school is still the breeding ground of the final products to be readied for society.
Dr.Chaman Lal Banga welcomed the esteemed guests and also introduced the theme of the seminar. He introduced the resource persons of the seminar: Dr.Manpreet Kaur, Vice-Principal, Partap College of Education, Ludhiana and Secretary, IPDA, India; Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, Associate Professor, CR College of Education, Hissar; Dr. Rakesh Sandhu, Principal, DAV College of Education for Women, Karnal, Haryana and Dr.Rampal Singh, Associate Professor, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Karnal.
Keynote Address
The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Balwant Singh. In his address he made it a point to emphasize on the fact that the students being the centre of the education sector, should be carried all along to facilitate the process of teaching-learning. The inaugural session was followed by a tea-break of fifteen minutes, after which the technical session was held.
Technical Session
In all, thirty-five delegates presented their research papers on the sub-themes of the seminar:
- Healthy Teacher Taught Relationship,
- Teacher as a Social Reformer,
- Role of SMCs in School Development,
- Preparing Teachers to Teach in Rural Schools, and
- Role of Village Schools in the Development of Rural Areas.
The Chairpersons of the technical session Dr.Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, Dr. Rakesh Sandhu and Dr.Rampal Singh, gave their inputs about the presentations and also discussed at length how each one could contribute towards nurturing schools and school students so that the society developing in those four walls adds constructively to a nation’s progress in the true sense of the term. The seminar was indeed a step forward in the direction to get acquainted with the latest issues, challenges and perspective in the field of education and society in state as well as nation.
The session was followed by Lunch, the menu of which also included a few of the traditional recipes to give the delegates a taste of the local flavours.
Valedictory Session
In the Valedictory session, the organizer, Sh. Ravi Mehta, shared his dreams and visions about how he looks forward to take the concept of school education to new heights so that the students from even remote areas are able to reach the zenith of being informed in all possible ways. The session was presided over by Prof. Shashi Dhiman, Ex-VC, Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur.
Certificates were awarded to the paper presentersby Dr. Balwant Singh
The book on ‘Language Across Curriculum’ written by Dr.Chaman Lal Banga, published by Pasricha Publishers was released by Dr. Balwant Singh. The students of the school presented cultural dance items and regional Himachali songs with such aplomb and poise that they mesmerized the audience with their melodious voices and deft dance moves. Mr. Ravi Mehta proposed the vote of thanks




Report on Partap IPDA (India) International Seminar 26 March 2017
An International Seminar on ‘Quality Research in Teacher Education’ was organized at Partap College of Education, Ludhiana by International Professional Development Association (IPDA), India and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Partap College of Education, under the patronage of International Professional Development Association, UK. Around three hundred delegates from various states of India viz., Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan attended the seminar. Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal of the college and convener of the seminar in his welcome address made the delegates aware as to why a need was felt for a seminar on “Quality Research in Teacher Education”. He reiterated that the research conducted in the field of education is not connected with real problems of teacher education. Therefore, teachers and teacher educators need to engage with quality research, in the sense of keeping up to date with the latest developments in their academic subject. The seminar was a direction in this way to get acquainted with latest issues of educational research in national as well as international context. Prof. Ken Jones, Educational Consultant & Managing Editor, Professional Development in Education Journal, in his keynote address talked at length about issues concerning quality research in Teacher Education. He emphasized that quality research in Teacher Education must be purposeful, having a clear focus, is likely to be qualitative. Quality research is based on clear and unambiguous research questions. Continuing further Prof. Jones discussed the changing role of the Teacher Educator as a mentor. Overall, the key elements highlighted in his keynote address were to develop research literacy by critically reading international academic journals. Some fundamental points in educational research include quality in research, expertise, originality, accurate observation and description. Mr. Sushil Pundeer, Joint Director Schools, Higher Education (HimachalPradesh), Shimla, presided over the session. Speaking on the changing role of the Teacher Educator in today’s academic scenario teacher these days is a facilitator. Through collaborative inquiry and reflective practice, educators can continue to build their capacities and capabilities in educational research. He also highlighted that data collected for research must be valid and ethically sound.
Prof. Ken Jones, in the second phase of his keynote address on “How to write Research Paper for International Journal”, focused that while writing an article one must avoid cut and paste, avoid report style bullet points and be aware of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. While preparing the journal manuscript one must take care to choose clear title, always supply keywords and ensure references cited in text appear in bibliography. Finally, be prepared to rewrite or alter the paper and try again. He advised the scholars to work in pairs as critical friends and not to get disillusioned by rejection.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor (Department of Education (ICDEOL) H.P. University, Shimla) presided over the session, highlighting the importance of research and how to meet the standards for acceptance of papers in national and international journals. Later on in the afternoon two parallel technical sessions were organised based on the sub-themes. Sub Theme I- Issues and Challenges in Educational Research The chairpersons for this subtheme were Prof. M.L.Thakur and Dr. Tripta Sharma. Ms. Amritbir Kaur Rapporteur highlighted the issues of data collected, tools to be used for the research.
The challenges faced includes authenticity of the data collected and time constraint in completing the research. Sub Theme- II ‘International Perspective of Research in Teacher Education’ the chair persons were Dr. Rakesh Sandhu, Dr. Sushila Narang and Dr. Ranbir Singh Kingra. Dr. Sangeeta Sood, Rapporteur in her report presented the issues related to research in teacher education. This research should be qualitative and the results later on could be generalised on teacher educators. Panel discussion was held and panelists were Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, Prof. M.L. Thakur, Dr. Sushila Narang and Dr. Rakesh Sandhu. Dr. Ramesh Sandhu highlighted that such seminars and conferences are a must for professional growth. IPDA, India has given a platform to all the teachers to come and share their views on different issues concerning educational research.
Dr. Sushila Narang extended gratitude towards the convener, Dr. Balwant Singh for organizing this seminar. She highlighted the issue and challenges faced by the researchers and discussed the benefits of conducting research for the society. Convergences and Resolutions Prof. Ken Jones resolved that to grow professionally teachers must put in consistent efforts to become effective teachers. Research in teacher education must help in the continuous development of the researcher and teacher educator. Through research, a teacher can improve his transversal teaching competencies which include his attitude, interests and mastering of new skills. It was converged and resolved to work in the area of Leadership and Mentoring amongst teacher educators. Prof. Ken Jones appreciated this effort of IPDA India to organize an International Seminar on the most important and recent theme of ‘Quality Research in Teacher Education’. He congratulated the organizers and delegates for making this event a grand success. He also felt elevated by the positive response of delegates, their healthy interactions, presentations of worthy papers and high sense of seriousness to bring ground level changes for solving the problems of teacher education.
In the valedictory session, Dr. Balwant Singh presented awards of honour to the distinguished guests. Certificates were awarded to those who presented papers in the seminar. An interesting and impressive International cultural and musical celebrations were held to mark the diversity in unison. A fervour of Welsh, Punjabi, Himachali, Haryanvi and Rajasthani music added colours to this evening and left unforgettable memories. Dr. Manpreet Kaur presented vote of thanks followed by National Anthem.
Professional Preparation of Teachers and Teacher Educators – Lessons from International Policy and Practice 21-22 Oct. 2016
Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, in collaboration with International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. organized a two day International Conference on the theme ‘Professional Preparation of Teachers and Teacher Educators – Lessons from International Policy and Practice’.
The conference was formally inaugurated by Dr. Coleen R. Jackson, Chair, IPDA, UK as the Chief Guest. Dr. Vijay Obed (Deputy Director, CMC&H) presided over the inaugural session. Dr. Manpreet Kaur, conference co-ordinator and Vice-Principal of the college, welcomed the gathering of esteemed guests from various institutions from all over the country and abroad.
Prof. Ken Jones graced the occasion as Guest of Honour in the inaugural session Educational Consultant and Managing Editor, PDiE journal, in his keynote address put special emphasis on the need to not only focus on Professional Development but also the enhancement in quality of teacher educators and the ‘would be teachers’. He put across a strong message in saying that we all need to make a start, to bring about a change that would assist in taking the education system to the new heights, where we would love to see it. He very aptly remarked, "Quality of system cannot exceed the quality of teaching”. This puts a question mark on our attitude of blaming the system always for our shortcomings. Dr. Coleen R. Jackson, in her keynote address in the second session expressed her keen desire when she remarked, “I am on a mission to make school teaching interesting”. This is what we should all adopt as our motto. Dr. Balwant Singh, Convener of the conference and Chairperson IPDA India put across to the august gathering, the vision and mission behind this conference.
Technical sessions on the sub-themes of the conference were held in the second part of the conference on day one. Research scholars presented their views as to how to improve the system. Ms. Amritbir Kaur, Assistant Professor, presented a vote of thanks to the esteemed guests.
A cultural programme was also presented by the students as a mark of respect for the visiting delegates and guests. It gave them a glimpse of the rich heritage of Punjabi culture. The folk dances and the Military band mesmerized the audience.
The second day of the conference started with a workshop for teacher educators, conducted by Dr. Coleen R. Jackson, Chair IPDA (U.K.). She focused on ‘Transforming Learning Experiences through Metacognition.’ The workshop was attended by teachers and principals from various schools and education colleges. The key focus areas of the workshop were discovering the learning preferences and importance of metacognition, when working with others, students and designing learning experiences.
Prof. R.S. Yadav, Department of Education, Kurukshetra University gave his presidential remarks after the workshop session. Dr. Saroj Yadav, Dean (Academic), National Institute of Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi as resource person talked about how such themes of the conference can help ignite the change we are all looking for to revamp the existing system of education. The keynote address was delivered by Prof. S. K. Yadav (Academic Consultant, National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi). He forayed in depth into the area of ‘Licensing and Certification of Teachers.” Prof. Yadav talked at length about the efforts being made to improve quality of education. Comparing the national and international perspectives, he said that licensing system for professional practice is an area that is in its infancy stage here in India.
The technical sessions for paper presenters on the various sub-themes of the conference were held. Experts in their respective subjects and research scholars made their mark by putting forward their views through their research papers.
Dr. Coleen and Prof. Ken endorsed the resolution proposed by the delegates in the valedictory session. Research papers of Ms. Harneet Kaur and Reetu Vij Research scholars from Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, Punjab and Ms. Renu Nagpal, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab were adjudged as best papers of the conference. Dr. Coleen announced free membership of IPDA to them for the year 2017.
In her concluding remarks Dr. Coleen Jackson expressed her views about the role of IPDA India and Partap Ludhiana in the Professional Learning and Professional Development of teachers. She appreciated the participation and role of students (Teacher trainees of various streams). She also recommended the involvement of pre-service teachers in such conferences.
Dr. Balwant Singh honoured the esteemed guests. Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Vice-Principal presented the vote of thanks.

Two days long International Symposium 2015 on the theme Leading Professional Learning in Educational Institutions, under the patronage of International Professional Development Association, UK and in collaboration with University of Wales: Trinity Saint David, Wales, U.K. and University of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. was held in Partap College of Education with eminent dignitaries and educationists of International acumen Prof. Ken Jones, Senior Consultant of CPLD and Prof. Margery McMahon were the key note speakers.
Dr. N.R. Sharma, Dean Faculty of Education, PU Chandigarh and Mrs. Navita Puri, Principal KVM School, Ludhiana were the main resource persons on first day of Symposium. Prof J.P. Singh, Dr. Ramesh Inder Kaur Bal, Heads of various Institutions of Education Colleges, Schools, Universities , Teacher educators, Research Scholars were among the other dignitaries present on the occasion. The symposium was started with welcome address by Mrs. Manpreet Kaur, Coordinator for the Symposium. Speaking on the occasion, the convener, Dr. Balwant Singh, shared his views how Ipda India, came into existence with collaboration of Ipda, U.K. He said that such interactions and symposia provide a platform for schools/college heads, teachers and teacher educators to come together, to share their views, concerns and develop strategies, models and techniques to lead and support professional learning of teachers.
In his keynote address, Prof Ken Jones enlightened the inquisitive minds by touching upon a very significant issue by involving teachers in planning, encouraging them for real classroom teaching, ensuring the impact of Professional learning and avoiding bureaucratic and threatening approach of leadership.
After this there was a very interactive panel discussion in which Prof. Margery, Mrs. Navita Puri, Mrs. Manpreet Kaur and Dr. Monika Sethi shared their approach of Leading Professional Learning and how this can be achieved in real life situation by developing a vision of change. This was followed by interactive and healthy deliberations by the delegates from various educational institutions across the country.
After this, to study and analyse the model of the school whole team visited Kundan Vidya Mandir( KVM), a leading school of the city which was nominated as a prime site of Professional Learning. Joint presentations by Prof. Margery and Mrs. Navita Puri emphasised upon the need to lead the young professionals which ensured the impact of professional learning to real class room teaching.
On the second day of the symposium Prof. Margery McMahon discussed Scottish Model of professional development which was followed by presidential remarks by Dr. Balwant Singh. Prof. Margery also shared her views on the leading learning outcomes for Principals and their impact on teaching. After the presidential remarks by Dr. Sangeeta Sood all the delegates were divided in to various groups. Plan of action was reported on the basis of group discussion inputs by Rapporteaurs of various groups comprising Principals, faculty and students.
Valedictory remarks were given by Dr. S.K. Yadav, Senior Academic Consultant at NCTE, New Delhi.
Mrs. Manpreet Kaur, the coordinator of the Symposium thanked the Keynote speakers and all the delegates for their contributions which made this symposium a grand success.

Bouquet Presentation

Prof. Ken Jones
Delivering Key Note Address

Prof. Margery McMahon
Delivering Key Note Address

Illumine Audience

Presidential Remarks
By Dr. Balwant Singh

Valedictory Address
BY Prof S.K. Yadav
Two day long ‘Partap International Conference-2014’ on the theme “Challenges for Learning Professionals- New Directions” in collaboration with International Professional Development Association (IPDA), U.K. was held at Partap College of Education, Ludhiana among an intelligent galaxy of eminent dignitaries and educationalists of International acumen like Prof. Ken Jones, Senior Consultant for Continuous Professional Learning, University Wales: Trinity Saint David, U.K., Dr. Margery McMahon, National Coordinator, Scottish College for Educational Leadership Glasgow, U.K., Prof. Steven J. Coombs, University of South Pacific, Fiji. The convener Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal PCE acquainted one and all with the main objective behind organizing this comprehensive conference as the promotion of Networking between schools and teacher education institutes to support professional development and bridging the gap between the policy makers, academicians and practitioners.
Prof. Naval Kishore, Dean, College Development Council, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Prof. Kirandeep Kaur (Head) Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University Patiala were the resource persons for the day one. Prof. Ken Jones in his key note address tried to enlighten every inquisitive mind by touching upon the very significant and coherent issues like creation of constructive higher brains, energized teachers with excellent linguistic and technical excellence, criticality, adaptability, and networking and most importantly a shift from deficit model to academic optimistic model.
About 75 delegates from different universities and colleges across the globe deliberated on sub-themes ‘Teacher as Researcher’ and ‘Career Long Professional Learning’. Speaking on the occasion Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal Partap College of Education acquainted the elite audience with the vision, voice and values of the institution and the chief objective behind organizing this conference as ‘Shift from Ritualized Teaching Learning Process to Optimistic Academic, Demonstrative, Critical model i.e. an understanding of our roles and responsibilities as envoy of change’, to create and stimulate a culture of self appraisal and collaborated Professional Learning.
The 2nd day of the conference got inaugurated with the extension lecturer-cum-workshop on the topic ‘how to write research paper for international journals’ by Prof. Ken Jones.
Dr. T.S. Sodhi (Former Head), Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University Patiala, Dr. Jagdish Kaur, Principal, Dev Samaj College of Education, Ferozepur, Prof. Ramesh Sandhu, Principal, C.R. College of Education, Dr. Ramesh Inder Kaur Bal, Secretary, Partap Charitable Trust and Prof. J.P. Singh, Chair Person Partap College of Education, Ludhiana were among the other dignitaries present on day one of this conference.

Ms. Manpreet Kaur
Deliberating on the aims of Conference

Extension lecture cum workshop on
‘How to write a research Paper’

Dr. Balwant Singh
Deliberating on the theme of the conference

Dr. Margery McMahon
Delivering Keynote Address

Prof. Steven J Coombs
Delivering Keynote Address

Intelligent Academicians
Two days National Conference on the theme “Continuous Professional Development for Learning Professionals (CPD)” under UGC development scheme was organized at Partap College of Education, Ludhiana on 27th & 28th Feb. 2013. Prof. Ken Jones, Dean of Humanities, Swansea Metropolitan University (U.K.) was invited as the chief resource person for this conference. Dr. S. S. Johl, Chancellor, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda was the chief guest on the inauguration of this conference.
Dr. Balwant Singh, Principal acquainted the audience about the objectives behind organizing this conference. About 75 delegates from different universities and colleges deliberated and participated. The quarterly educational research journal of the college “Parview” was also released on this occasion.
In his key note address Prof. Ken tried to enlighten every inquisitive mind by touching upon the very significant and coherent issues like Creation of Constructive Tension, Energized Teachers and Linguistics & Technical Excellence. CPD leads to professional energy which is very much reflected in classroom teaching, provides the opportunity for realizing our professional aspirations and renewing our passion for profession continuously. Dr. Johl in his presidential remarks emphasized upon qualitative professional competence. He opined that all these developmental programmes can only hone up our hidden potentialities, vision, attitude, skills and most importantly our instinctive professionalism, only if we are born as a teacher.
Prof. Rajinder Yadav, Department of Education, Kurukshetra University and Dr. T.S. Sodhi, Former Professor and Head, Department of Education, Punjabi University Patiala, Dr. D.P. Asija, Director Education, M.M. University, Maulana, Ambala were the key note speakers for various technical sessions on sub themes- Nature and role of different stake holders, The policy-practices interface and extension of CPD for effective school improvements, Quality Sustenance and Best Practices for leading learning.
Mrs. Manpreet Kaur thanked all the delegates for their contributions and sharing innovative ideas which made this conference a grant success.
Prof. J.P Singh, Chairman PCE, Dr. Ramesh Inder Bal, Secretary, Dr. Khuswinder Kumar, Principal, BCM College of Education, Dr. Kashmira Singh, Principal GMT College of Education, Dr. Ramesh Sandhu, Principal C.R. College of Education Hissar, Dr. Sudarshan Nain from Yamunanagar were amongst the other dignitaries, present on this occasion.

Dr. Balwant Singh
Welcoming the elite audience

Dignitaries Unveiling the
Quarterly Journal Preview

Prof. Ken Jones
Delivering Keynote Address

Eminent scholars

Ms.Manpreet Kaur
Presenting vote of thanks